Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Absurd Thoughts

Pretty late in the night, cold breeze blowing outside and I am feeling blissed with a cigarette in my one hand and coffee in other. I have started feeling good without any apparent reasons. Life has been monotonous, with long streched wearing out working hours but honestly, I am enjoying it, thinking, dreaming, sanitizing my thoughts, and blah blah.

I have not been writing since long back but haven't stopped being philosophical and paining my friends. During one such discussion in our booze party, we guys were discussing about our ambitions and I was surprised to see the heights of people's ambitions and it was pleasant. Noone should stop others from dreaming as one'll achieve things only when he dreams. However, there is something which is said by myself perhaps subconciously (might be this thing I have copied from some book or some movie or some articile, i really don't recall any connection !) and which I appreciated so much afterwards that I was patting myself like anything. In a nutshell, it's like, it's not the fulfillment of ambitions which matter more but the kind of journey you have towards that fulfillment.

And guys, it's very true. People are in a habit of making the things complex. Keep things simple and your life too. We are born on Earth with an average age. Now, what one's highest motive should be ? Simply to be leading that average years of age with great fulfillments, something which makes you say at the end of each day, each week, each month that yeah, I have lived the life. Do the experiments, take the blunts, ride the rugged bikes, win over the tough mountains, change anything and everything which you start getting bored with and never worry or get depress for damn anything. Keep yourself simple and do whatever your heart says and minds follows. Move madly towards your goal but at the same time, don't forget the journey. Make friends in between that journey, which will perhaps be lifelong, appreciate poor jokes which makes you smile at their absurdity, don't be afraid to commit mistakes and at the same time, don't forget the lessons.

Hey doesn't it sound that some school teacher is repeating words to you. Yes, it's so. When I was in School, perhaps I didn't appreciate these things so much which I am understanding now as I am experiencing them now and here's another point to make. Don't ever stop anybody from jumping into the well, just tell him well in advance the way to get out if you have been there. If everyone will learn from other's mistakes, then he'll not be commiting any mistakes and life'll be too dull a place without kinky mistakes.

Enoough of lessons. It's sleeping time !

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